I successfully installed collect earth in my laptop and when i click it to start, there is a error message which reads "Collect Earth could not start due to DB connection issue".

I need your help

Thanks Chris Solomon Islands

asked 15 Mar '15, 04:37

chris's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Sorry for the delay but the message was tagged "collect" and "earth", not "collectEarth", and I missed it.

Please have a look at this reply while a fix is implemented.



  • dig manually to the file C:\Users\marchi\AppData\Roaming\CollectEarth\earth.properties
  • open it with a text editor
  • change the line "db_driver=POSTGRESQL" to "db_driver=SQLITE"
  • save the file



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answered 17 Mar '15, 14:22

gmarchi's gravatar image

gmarchi ♦♦
accept rate: 7%

Hi There,

Collect Earth failed to open, exactly as described above since yesterday. I did move one file into different folder last week but it was not the application file. Since this morning I start to get this message. alt text tried to reinstall but, first it won't download fully in my PC. So downloaded into USB using a different computer. And transferred for installation. Installs without problem, but still not starting. Just the log window pops up for few seconds and nothing happens alt text

Help appreciated. Tesfay

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answered 24 Jun '15, 21:39

Tesfay's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 29 Jun '15, 21:58

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question asked: 15 Mar '15, 04:37

question was seen: 14,805 times

last updated: 29 Jun '15, 21:58