Hey, The Geo-Dashboard in Collect Earth Online is a very good idea. However, I can't figure out how to get it running. I created some Geo-Dash tiles. When working on the project a new tab with the Geo-Dash opens every time I save a plot. But unfortunately no data from Earth Engine renders. Neither images nor graphs. What is wrong?

asked 25 Nov '19, 15:13

jesnw's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi, I can certainly help. I need a little information to assist, did you follow the directions from https://collect.earth/geo-dash/geo-dash-help?

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answered 25 Nov '19, 17:00

billyz313's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Thanks for your quick response. Yes I think I followed it correctly. Let's make an example:

  1. Click Add Widget
  2. Select Image Collection in the type drop down
  3. Select DigitalGloberecentImagery from dropdown
  4. Select NDVI from dropdown
  5. Type title NDVI Summer 2018
  6. Select Date Range 2018-06-01 and 2018-09-01

The widget is added and if I work on the project a new tab opens every time I change plots with my widget inside. What I see is the widget with DigitalGloberecentImagery as background and the plot, but no NDVI. Do I have to configure something else?

(26 Nov '19, 12:17) jesnw jesnw's gravatar image

And another thing which is unclear to me, if I select let's say NDVI as image collection for a time period, what data should be shown? I expect it to be the mean or median of Landsat or Sentinel data for that period, but I can't find documentation on that.

(26 Nov '19, 12:17) jesnw jesnw's gravatar image

Can you please send me a link to your project? Also if you are able to Skype me we can get your issue fixed much quicker. My Skype is BillyZ313 The data that should be shown from that configuration is the mean of Landsat, However you can easily create ImageCollection assets by clipping any imagery to your area of interest and calculating NDVI as shown in the video tutorial at the bottom of the Geo-Dash Help Center. I can help with that as well if you need assistance.

(26 Nov '19, 16:14) billyz313 billyz313's gravatar image

good to know it's mean of Landsat. Here is the project (https://collect.earth/collection?projectId=4381). In the meanwhile I could see that EE-data is actually loading in Geo-Dash, but only when zooming out I can see that tiles are loading at lower zoom-levels.

(27 Nov '19, 09:54) jesnw jesnw's gravatar image

I see the issue. The widgets you have created are using the global NDVI and GEE is throwing a processing limit error. We have a solution for this which is described in the tutorial at the bottom of the https://collect.earth/geo-dash/geo-dash-help There it shows how to create the imageCollection assets clipped to your area of interest (the project bounds). This will fix the issue of the EE processing limit error. We will eventually deprecating the Global image collection option as we have found that it cause the memory limit issue in many cases. If you need help creating the imageCollection assets please let me know.

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answered 27 Nov '19, 19:20

billyz313's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 25 Nov '19, 15:13

question was seen: 3,958 times

last updated: 27 Nov '19, 19:20