Are there instructions for creating a custom project file for CollectEarth?

asked 22 Oct '14, 17:29

yelena's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi, could you please be more specific in terms of what starting datasets you would have and in what context?



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answered 22 Oct '14, 20:01

gmarchi's gravatar image

gmarchi ♦♦
accept rate: 7%

Hi Yelena

I can't answer regarding the HTML balloon customization, I don't think there is any easy functionality still, but I can give some details on project files.

A project file for CollectEarth is a zip file essentially containing :

  • a "" file defining basic settings
  • a csv file containing the points
  • the html template containing your LC/LU definitions and the associated xml and fmt files

You can find examples under c:\Users\YOUR_NAME\AppData\Roaming\CollectEarth\projects\ (in Windows)

If you have a set of HTML balloon and associated files ready, and only want to change the location of points and the title of the project, you can duplicate one of these projects, change the necessary files (csv and properties) and compress as a zip. Note that the folders have to be zipped at the root of the archive, with no intermediate folder.

This will create a customized project file as a zip that you can share and open in Collect Earth.

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answered 24 Oct '14, 13:13

lecrabe's gravatar image

lecrabe ♦
accept rate: 5%

edited 24 Oct '14, 13:14

I think Yelena mean to make new .ced file.

The ability to make customized project is important for Collect Earth to gain adoption. Each country, each organization have different classification system. Thus they should be able to modify the HTML balloon to suite their need. The customization doesn't mean fine control on every aspect of the HTML balloon, but user should be able to: - Modify the list of land use categories and land use subdivision - Modify the list of elements

CED designer tool could be very useful so that we could use Collect Earth in our context. An alternative is that Open Foris to build a few generalize CED that can be used for different situation and let user modify the list of land use by editing the HTML or files that keep that list.

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answered 28 Oct '14, 01:25

vietanh's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hello Vietanh, you are right, we are working on an easier solution to the creation of the customizations.

In the meantime the only way is to update the files involved in the customization ( balloon.html for the Google Earth pop-up, placemark.idml.xml for the survey definition, kml_template.fmt for the KML and finally the collectEarthCubes.xml.fmt for the Saiku cube definition )

More info/documentation about how to do this later this week!

(28 Oct '14, 03:22) collectearth ♦ collectearth's gravatar image

I was just attempting to customize for Ethiopia. However, doesn't look that easy. So, looking forward for this documentation!

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answered 26 Nov '14, 20:57

Tesfay's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


is there any new information regarding the creation of a customized project?

Alternatively, is it possible to download classification schemes of different CollectEarth versions, other than the one on the main download page? I'm interested in the classification scheme that has been applied in the Papua New Guinea Collect Earth version (see CollectEarth tutorial). Is it possible to download that version or get access to the related HTML files?

Thank you for advice, Katja

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answered 26 Mar '15, 09:14

kgunia's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Katja,

we are working on the Collect Designer survey export to Collect Earth Project files.

This will greatly improve the way that a user can design its own survey and working with the already proven Survey Designer.

NOTE: This is still in development so it is not working completely. In the next weeks there should be a final version.

As it stands right now, if you download the latest version of Collect, you can create a new survey through the Collect Designer using the Collect Earth template which includes the necessary basic fields that every Collect Earth Project :

alt text

After you add the rest of the variables to be collected to your survey you can export the survey into a Collect Earth format. The result will be a Collect Earth Project file containing all the necessary files and a "test sampling design" with 15 plots around the world. You should then create your own sampling design through QuantumGIS and link it using the Collect Earth menu Tools->Properties->Sample data (tab)

From Collect Survey Desinger you can export the Collect Earth Project by clicking once on the name of your survey and then click on export. Choose the Collect Earth export:

alt text

Hope this helps! I will also send you another example of a Collect Earth survey for Namibia.

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answered 26 Mar '15, 11:40

Open%20Foris's gravatar image

Open Foris ♦♦
accept rate: 10%

Thank you for detailed instructions, this was very helpful!

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answered 26 Mar '15, 12:20

kgunia's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 22 Oct '14, 17:29

question was seen: 14,678 times

last updated: 06 Aug '15, 15:51