Is there any way to draw polygon in open foris collect mobile while collecting other attributes field data for a certain point/location?

asked 06 Jun '21, 17:57

falgoonee_forester's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hello, Although not yet fully operational, you can prepare Collect mobile to register polygon points: they can be recorded and are visible in the map; only not connected with lines - see earlier discussion on this:

Regards, Joseph

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answered 02 Sep '21, 14:12

joseph's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 28 Jul '23, 17:50


I have already followed the discussion you shared. The points (coordinates) are visible in the map, but let say for a certain area besides other information I need to draw a polygon which will be visible in the map. There is a way to draw polygon using geometry option. I tried but the polygon (Connected with line) is not visible in the map. I am looking for a way to draw polygon directly using Open Foris, like we can draw polygon suing GPS.

Thanks, Falgoonee

(07 Sep '21, 07:53) falgoonee_fo... falgoonee_forester's gravatar image

Check it out once more Falgonee: the OF team has worked on it and we can see the polygons now. Also the map app zooms in on the survey(s) area again!

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answered 13 Sep '21, 22:21

joseph's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Yes I checked it, it worked. Thanks to the team, great work

(15 Sep '21, 06:40) falgoonee_fo... falgoonee_forester's gravatar image
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question asked: 06 Jun '21, 17:57

question was seen: 1,765 times

last updated: 29 Jul '23, 01:15