This might be a detail but I would find it more intuitive to have the stats computed for the layers that the user selects and display on the map rather than having to select separately/again the data source that we want to compute stats for.

asked 18 Apr '23, 14:33

alinemosnier's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 18 Apr '23, 14:34

Thank you for your comment.

We did try that approach in the beginning of the project, but found it more functional (even if less intuitive) to have different choices for visualization and analysis. Also, the visualization is limited to 4 layers at a a time ( due to performance issues) while the analysis has no limits.

In any case, it is good to receive feedback and we will try to think of how to improve usability....perhaps offering the analysis related to the layers as the first options on the list of analysis?

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answered 18 Apr '23, 16:44

Open%20Foris's gravatar image

Open Foris ♦♦
accept rate: 10%

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question asked: 18 Apr '23, 14:33

question was seen: 895 times

last updated: 18 Apr '23, 16:44