Dear users,

Here are the updates of the latest version 1.0.18 ( 28/08/2023) of our app, Open Foris Arena Mobile.

Please let us know if you have any feedback or comments regarding this latest release. Your input is crucial in our efforts to continually improve our systems.

Thank you for your continued support.

Best regards,


version 1.0.18 28/08/2023

1. Keep images aspect ratio

Since the latest version the size of the image can be adjusted. Now the capability to keep the aspect ratio was added. In addition, a bug related to this feature in Android was solved in this version.

( I can not upload images as I do not have enough reputation)

2. Improve no results screen when searching surveys

Now the surveys screen has a better experience to search the desired survey. However, when there are not surveys for the search now appears an error message.

( I can not upload images as I do not have enough reputation)

3. Support latest functions

Update the internal "arena-core" library to support the latest functions.

4. Open maps

Added a button to open the location in the maps application.

5. Capabilities to copy read-only attributes && 6. Improve read-only attributes UI

7. Collapsable panel

Based on the feeback form - We added a way to collapse the bottom panel

8. Multiline text entry

Now it is possible to enter multiline text data

9. Allow to show one item in taxon per vernacular name ( in settings ) Some uses prefer to see the taxonomy items al together if they have many vernacular names, others prefer to see one item per vernacular name. Now, It is possible to set this preference.

10. Validations report

Spot errors are crucial, now it is possible to check errors into the entry mode and navigate through them to fix them.

11. Lock records when leave form

Some users like to lock the records when they leave the entry mode. So now it is possible to lock a record when you leave the form. This behavior could be configured into the settings.

12. Clean selected attributes

Now it is possible to clean selected items. -

13. Collapsable panel

14. Descriptions - show/hide based on settings

15. Descriptions - in code attributes

Other meaningful enhancements

  • 16.Improve error messages - Now the error messages contain information about the number of items and the name of the attribute if required.

  • 17.Show user role in "Human Language" - Before the user role appears in the home with the internal code, now appears in English.

  • 18.Improve tables cells and headers width - Enhance the ux/ui of the tables improving the size of the cells.

  • 19.Remove toast when deleting an empty record - When a record is created but no data is entered, the system removes the record. Before a toast appeared, this toast was removed.

  • 20.Optimize records uploading - Optimize which records should be uploaded to save network capacity.

  • 21.Show units in coordinate attributes - Now the coordinate attributes appear with the right unit

  • 22.Update android sdk version from 31 to 33 - It was required.

  • 23.Fix minor technical issues.

Links to the apps

Android: Apple:

(If you need an account please let us know)

asked 28 Aug '23, 17:09

Ramiro%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Ramiro (OF)
accept rate: 14%

edited 28 Aug '23, 17:11

Could you share the subcode and the screenshot of the settings page to check which subversion do you have? home > setting.


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answered 28 Aug '23, 18:21

Ramiro%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Ramiro (OF)
accept rate: 14%

edited 28 Aug '23, 18:25

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answered 28 Aug '23, 18:37

Ramiro%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Ramiro (OF)
accept rate: 14%

Dear @Rajkumar, did you succeed in downloading the latest version?

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answered 30 Aug '23, 16:58

Ramiro%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Ramiro (OF)
accept rate: 14%

edited 30 Aug '23, 16:58

Dear OFT,

I just downloaded Arena mobile (version 1.0.18 28/08/2023) to my android but it has the same problem as I commented just earlier. I can just load the form but unable to move any other entity. The new user interface seems great. Can you please check my survey form named inventory9 for your testing purpose.

I wonder I thought I downloaded 1.0.18 28/08/2023 version. But in play store there is only . Am I missing something? alt text



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answered 28 Aug '23, 18:05

Rajkumar's gravatar image

accept rate: 3%

edited 28 Aug '23, 18:44

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question asked: 28 Aug '23, 17:09

question was seen: 1,051 times

last updated: 30 Aug '23, 16:58