Dear Open Foris team,
I am testing OF Arena Mobile and now also alongside colleagues that are testing it too. There are a couple of weird issues and crashes that we have noticed on at least two different devices. The survey being tested is "ecoresto_test".

-Starting OF Arena Mobile app but nothing else but a green screen appears: The screen is completely green with just a top line of a different colour. It is the usual green of OF Arena Mobile, but we do not see the surveys, user login or any other information.

-In some cases, without any particular logic, a code attribute ("record_type") bugs: We tap that attribute; it opens; we can select one of the proposed categories; but after selecting the chosen category it is impossible to close the attribute and go back to the main screen. The only way out is the back button of the phone, then go to record list.

Any idea on the reasons we are having these issues?

Best wishes,

asked 19 Sep '23, 07:10

bsenterre's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hello Bsenterre,

Let us investigate what could be the problem. What version are you using?

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answered 19 Sep '23, 12:46

Ramiro%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Ramiro (OF)
accept rate: 14%

Thank you for your reply! I do not know what version of Arena Mobile it was because one of the things I did to solve was to update Arena. So I guess the version was the one just before the current one.
I will let you know if this happens again, and if so I will record better the issue

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answered 21 Sep '23, 13:51

bsenterre's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 19 Sep '23, 07:10

question was seen: 981 times

last updated: 21 Sep '23, 13:51