Dear Open Foris team, I just updated the new version of OF Arena Mobile 1.0.19. But a problem I had still persists. I can create records on Arena desktop and upload images, then see those images normally. But, if the data is collected with Arena Mobile, after uploaded to the cloud, when I try to open the image in Arena desktop, I get a message "Internal server error. Let me know if you need any other information? Best wishes, Bruno

asked 30 Aug '23, 14:31

bsenterre's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hello Bruno,

I tried to enter an image using one of your surveys,

and I am able to upload and see those images (using both Android and IOs), would you like to jump on a call to explore which could be the problem?

Do you have any other feedback about the new version? Thanks, Ramiro

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answered 30 Aug '23, 16:57

Ramiro%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Ramiro (OF)
accept rate: 14%

edited 30 Aug '23, 17:25

Dear Ramiro, Thank you for your reply. I uninstalled Arena Mobile, and then re-installed it, and now it works normally. I don't know exactly what was wrong, but I am sure I had the last version of Arena Mobile. So this issue is solved. Thanks a lot. Now, I downloaded the images uploaded to my Arena survey on the cloud, and I notice that all the exif data of the file are missing. I remember that this is an issue I had reported for Open Foris Collect Mobile. If I upload, not via Arena Mobile but directly through Arena desktop, an image taken with my smartphone outside of Arena , and then I download that image back from Arena, then I see that all exifs are there. Nothing urgent, but if this could be addressed, so that the images uploaded to Arena through Arena Mobile could be given along with all the exif data taken by the smartphone, this would be a useful option. Best wishes, Bruno

p.s. the new version of Arena Mobile is working much better compared to the previous one.

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answered 31 Aug '23, 05:10

bsenterre's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 30 Aug '23, 14:31

question was seen: 661 times

last updated: 31 Aug '23, 05:10