Dear developers,

when using Arena Mobile I encountered some issues, that are mostly tolerable but would be nice to have them fixed:

  • When using the experimental pop-up auto-mode (I like it), the attribute after the date widget does not show up and one has to go back to the record menu and start the record again
  • When turning the device from vertical to horizontal, the form is not formatted correctly.
  • When enabling multiple for image file attributes, the images are not previewed and cannot be edited/removed.

Potentially, the last point is related to a lager issue that currently prevents the upload of my records. I suspect that there is a missing image file or something similar (see and I am not able to fix it currently.

asked 14 Jun, 12:24

amilles's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 14 Jun, 12:24


1 - We will investigate but this mode is experimental. 2 - How do you see the form to understand why is not formatted correctly? 3 - We will check to understand more about this.

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answered 24 Jun, 10:26

Ramiro%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Ramiro (OF)
accept rate: 14%

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question asked: 14 Jun, 12:24

question was seen: 533 times

last updated: 24 Jun, 10:26