Dear all,

When I tried to send local data from Arena mobile to the server, the progress banner at the top of the screen froze. If I try to restart the process or send data by email, the app crashes.

How do I solve this? I do not see a way to save the data from mobile in a way where I can upload it on desktop browser.


asked 08 Apr '24, 11:29

michael_sylva's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Dear Michael,
We will contact you to your private email address to better understand your issue.
It could be that you don't have enough space in your device to generate the file that is being sent to the Arena server.
Have you collected many pictures with your survey? Can you please check the amount of available space in your device?
You can also try to export all the records and store it in the Downloads folder of your device (from the Records list, press the share button, then select All Recods, then select the File Manager app, depending on what is available in your device, and select the Downloads folder).
Once the export file is generated, please try to import it into Arena using the module "Data/Data Import" from the Arena desktop user interface.
Many thanks,
Open Foris Team

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answered 08 Apr '24, 13:31

Stefano%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Stefano (OF) ♦♦
accept rate: 19%

Hello Michael,

I think that the problem is solved, could we update the post?


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answered 12 Apr '24, 15:52

Ramiro%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Ramiro (OF)
accept rate: 13%

Dear all,

Thank you for the support. The problem has been solved.

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answered 03 May '24, 10:06

michael_sylva's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 08 Apr '24, 11:29

question was seen: 1,114 times

last updated: 03 May '24, 10:06